Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Resolutions: Things To Do More Of

As it rolls around to May (how did we get here?) I know my New Years Resolutions are long forgotten. Maybe you stuck with them and they now seem normal, maybe (like me…and possibly most people), you lasted about a week and then forgot about them because, let's face it, chocolate is more fun than the no sugar diet you promised yourself.

So here are my May Resolutions - some things I want to try doing more of. And don't worry, the chocolate is staying.

1. Zen it up
Not going lie, I can be a full on stress head - with everything from friendships, school work, to tiny little insignificant things that really don't matter. Not only does this make me not that much fun to be around sometimes, it also stresses me out a lot over small things. I'm going to really try to be calmer this month - take a leaf out of Idina Menzel's book and "Let It Go" - and try not to let things bother me too much, especially when it's something I can't change. (I would say I'll try and do a little bit of yoga, but the closest I'll ever get to meditation is when trying to decide between a chocolate bar or a packet of lollies [and ultimately choosing both]).

2. Go to bed earlier
This one is a bit of an obvious one… attempting to head to bed by 9pm, and all of a sudden it's 1am and you're lost in the Internet/ a book/ texting a friend. I want to try going to sleep earlier because I always pay for my late nights the next day. So, lights off by 10:30, and off to sleep for me!

3. Listen to different music
After attending the Fairbridge Festival (read my post about that here) I discovered some amazing music which I really loved. It's not music that I really would have found before, so this month I'm going to attempt to venture out of the top 100 iTunes chart and have a look (listen?) around to find some more different music that I enjoy.

4. Go to the gym more
After having started rehabilitation for an injury in my back, I've been heading to the gym more for sessions with an exercise physiologist. For all the (mostly lighthearted) complaining I do to my family (and friends and non friends and anyone who will listen) about this "forced exercise", I haven't minded going to the gym more often. This month, I want to try and go a few times a week - not only will the exercises make my back stronger so I can return to the sports I love like dancing and netball, it will also make me fitter (I can now stay on a cross trainer for 15 minutes without completely dying…I really did not see that coming) and allow me to guiltlessly enjoy more of that chocolate that I won't be cutting out of my diet.

5. Read more books
Because what is a better companion to the cold weather than a good novel? I am a massive bookworm, however I tend to get caught up in magazines/ pointless websites nowadays, instead of reading the massive pile of books that I have recently accumulated because "wow, that looks good!" Reading is an activity I love doing, so this month I'm going to make time to do a lot more of it.

What do you want to do more of this month?