Saturday, May 10, 2014

10 things I have done this week that weren't my politics essay

With an important essay due date approaching just around the corner, what better time to do everything but that! Here are 10 things I did this week that I will surely regret when I am desperately typing tonight and tomorrow night.

1. I went out for an amazing lunch with one of my friends yesterday. It was such a nice surprise getting a call while I was (sort of) slaving away at my essay asking if I was free and wanted to catch up. We headed to Cioccolato in the Applecross village where we indulged in toasted cheese, chicken and avocado sandwiches with a chocolate milkshake. So good!

2. Cleaned out my wardrobe (mostly) and started selling things on eBay. I used to be really mindful of keeping things that I didn't wear because it was a waste to get rid of them, however I'm starting to realise that it's more wasteful keeping them around when they never see the light of day. It's a bit like free money as well (well, almost).

3. Read two books: one I had been reading for awhile and just finished, the other I read cover to cover in 4 days. Reviews will be up for them in a few days (that's something else to add to the list of what I have been doing instead of studying!)

4. Creating pretentiously styled arty posts for my Instagram - follow me @laurarobinblog if you are so inclined, and view my Instagram catch up post here if you would like.

5. I went out for tea and scones with my dad today which was so nice - after we finished our Mother's Day shopping, we stopped at Miss Maud's. It was really nice to have a chat with him - we're both busy at different times and so a lot of the time I see him it seems like a quick "hi, love you, bye!" so it was great to sit down and talk. Even though he kept bringing up the ultimate Mother's Day gift he found (and trust me, it really is perfect - I wish I had found it first!)

6. I joined a gym. Yep. Procrastination got that bad. (Okay, I potentially may have already planned to join but doing it this week was a stroke of procrastinating genius.)

7. Watched Eurovision - I'm actually so obsessed with this. My personal favourites are The Netherlands  and Iceland although I really enjoyed Latvia (Bake a Cake?), Ukraine and Russia as well. I'm so bad at picking who will win so I really have no idea, but I can't wait to sit down and watch it tonight and tomorrow night.

8. Painted my nails… this is a personal procrastination favourite as you need to paint them, and then wait for them to dry. And you can't do anything while you wait for them to dry except watch YouTube videos and type. Maybe I should have typed that essay...

9. Extended room tidy up, because we all know how hard it is to concentrate when there is mess behind you/ in a cupboard/ somewhere you can't see it but it really bothers you all of a sudden (probably because it's slightly more fun than that essay!)

10. I sat down to write my essay, and instead, I wrote this blog post.

Happy Saturday!


  1. At least you've been productive in your procrastination, by cleaning out your wardrobe, joining a gym, writing a blog post etc. That's my favourite kind of procrastination. You don't feel so guilty about not doing the most important task at hand because hey, you got something else that needed doing done! (that's my logic anyway)

    Good luck with the essay :)
